Year | Project | Built with | Link |
2025 | Boids with vector fields. Uses the algorithm created by Craig Reynolds with the addition of vector fields. | HTML CanvasTypeScriptTailwind CSSSvelteCloudflare Pages | GitHub Demo |
2025 | A simple word censorer that allows frequency and custom audio. | OpenAI Whisper PythonGradioHugging Face | GitHub Demo |
2024 | A word search game with a million lines of words. The game has three line modes: 25, 100, and 100,000 (and yes it's not a million but close enough). The game is the same for everyone, so finding a word will show up for everyone. | SvelteTypeScriptTailwind CSSCloudflare PagesPython | GitHub Demo |
2024 | A simple particle simulator for various objects including spheres and cubes where the particles avoid the mouse based on certain parameters. | three.jsTypeScriptSvelteCloudflare Pages | GitHub Demo |
2024 | A mural generator using style transfer. Upload an image and select the styles to apply to the image. The app will generate a mural using the style transfer technique. | PythonGradioHugging Face | GitHub Demo |
2024 | My personal website. | SvelteTailwind CSSCloudflare Pages | GitHub Demo |
2023 | A tokyonight theme for Obsidian. Colors from tokyonight.nvim and VSCode Tokyonight. 135,000+ downloads and 115+ GitHub stars. | CSSObsidian | GitHub |
2023 | Competitive programming stress testing tool | Python | GitHub |
2022 | 24 game solver and generator. A simple game where you have to use 4 numbers to get 24 using basic operations. | SvelteTypeScriptCloudflare Pages | GitHub Demo |
2022 | Creating art with grids. | HTMLCSSJavascript | GitHub Demo |
2022 | Codeforces bot for visualizing stats | ReactD3.jsChart.jsTailwind CSSCodeforces API | GitHub Demo |
2021 | Personal dotfiles managed with stow. Include configurations for various applications. 120+ GitHub stars | LuaBashTomlZSHPython | GitHub |
2021 | My solutions to various competitive programming problems. | C++Python | GitHub |